Signed Books at Addendum

Friday, February 5, 2016

Launch Party for Sarah Ahiers at Hamline University!

We were thrilled to celebrate the release of Sarah Ahiers' debut novel, ASSASSIN'S HEART, tonight, in partnership with Hamline University!

Congratulations, Sarah!

We have worked with Hamline for the past couple of years as the bookseller during their MFAC (MFA in writing for children and young adults) residency twice a year. It is always such a pleasure to be there, spending time with the students, faculty, and graduates of the program.

It was during one such residency (about two years ago, already!) that Sarah approached us about hosting her launch party. We said a resounding "YES!" 

Bread and cheese serve as the meal during several key points in the novel.

We got the chance to read Sarah's novel ahead of time to plan for the party, and we were blown away! Hamline has an incredible amount of talent in their program (students and teachers alike). We loved this novel, and were so pleased to get to celebrate it with Sarah's friends, family, and fans! It was extra-special to celebrate at Hamline - thank you to them for partnering on this event with us!

Gold coins - read the book to find out the meaning they hold!

There were treats that went with the book, as well as a mask-making station.

Which family would you belong to? Take the quiz to find out!

Sarah read a section of ASSASSIN'S HEART, and then answered questions from the crowd.

Then she signed and personalized guests' books.

 The signing line was super long!

Thank you to Sarah for writing such a great book, and then asking us to help celebrate it! Thank you to Hamline for partnering with us for the launch party, and providing a perfect space in the Klas Center Kay Fredericks Ballroom! And thank you to everyone who came out to celebrate ASSASSIN'S HEART!

All our best,

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